Habitat Management work

2nd October, 2016

Today was our first opportunity of the year to get stuck in and involved with habitat management work at Brackenhurst campus. The session began at 1pm, gathering outside the library before setting off to our location in ConSoc wood. An astonishing turnout of approximately 20 members were seen- very promising for our future events! Once all the members were gathered they were introduced to our committee and then we all made our way to the workshop to collect the tools and do a tool health and safety talk – thanks James Jackson!

Once this was all completed the fun began. Loppers, bow saws, pruning saws, slashers, rakes and spades were used in turn to ensure this woodland was cleared of unwanted and excess deadwood and foliage, creating an open space for new native plant growth and the current and following years wildlife. The excitement from being involved in this work really showed and the wood certainly looked better for it. A successful day with a great turnout, thank you to everyone who got stuck in, it made a huge difference!






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